Isaiah 26:3
You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you.
Right now, I am overwhelmed with peace. I am in God's will. I am obeying Him in this new stage of my life. My mind, spirit, and body are dependent on Him. I am trusting the Lord to see me through.
The peace I have is overflowing. Anything can happen, and in fact, has happened. Yet the peace has not left me. It is constant and always present.
Sometimes in our lives, we can experience this incredible peace. Other times are marked by confusion, pain, and fear.
When we are in the will of God, He sends us His peace. Everything will be okay. It will all work out in the end.
I do not know what all the Lord has in store for me. Or for you. I do know that it is good. He will bring each of us into a time of peace.
Where are you right now? Are you experiencing overwhelming peace? Rejoice and thank the Lord for His peace.
Are you confused or fearful? Pray for His peace. And listen to His guidance.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your overwhelming peace. Continue to send me Your peace and Your love. In Jesus' name, Amen