This is Niphaporn. Isn't she beautiful? She lives in Thailand. She is 11 years old. I also call her my little beggar.
Each of my children I have a nickname for. Niphaporn is my promise child.
The first girl that I sponsored through Compassion was Esther (Lupita she liked to be call) in Mexico. Esther loved art, and every letter I received from her she included a picture on a separate piece of paper. I sponsored Esther for four years, until right before she turned 9. Compassion called me and told me that the project Esther attended was closing. They had seen an financial increase in the community and were having a difficult time finding poor children and families to help. So the church decided to take over the care of the few remaining poor. Even though this is great news, I was still heartbroken. I grieved Esther like my own daughter (I have no children by the way). Even today, I still think about and pray for her.
A few weeks before I lost Esther, I was on the Compassion website and discovered a blog about Thailand. The blog opened up my eyes to the child prostitution problem in the country. My heart was broken. I wanted to help a girl in Thailand. My thoughts remained on Thailand, even after I lost Esther.
Compassion offered me another girl in Mexico. Without really thinking about it, I agreed. I even seriously considered saying no. Losing Esther just hurt too much. Almost two weeks later, I received a last letter from Esther. Her letter made me cry. She asked me to help another child the way I helped her. Her last request was not for continued prayer for her and her family, but it was for another child. How could I say no to that? That day, I called Compassion and asked them NOT to send me the girl in Mexico, but instead wanted a girl from Thailand. I didn't specify age. I knew that the girl they sent me would be the one that the Lord wanted me to have.
Two weeks later, I received her packet. Niphaporn is only a few months older than Esther. In fact, she was the same age as Esther when I lost her. She also has the same interests as Esther did. So, I couldn't resist this precious tomboy from Thailand.
A year later, my hours at work got cut dramatically. I had to give up three of my five sponsorships. I was devastated. Giving up three children was the hardest thing I ever had to do. My life was involved in these kids. Yet, I gave each of them up to the Lord and begged for Him to send the new sponsors quickly. Sponsors who would write, who would love them, who would commit to seeing them through. I asked three people on Our Compassion, an online community of Compassion sponsors. Two of them agreed to sponsor a girl. I was able to continue my relationship with them. I was blown away. I am still in awe of the Lord. I gave them to Him, and He returned two of them to me. I hadn't even expected that, but God is the God of surprises. Niphaporn was one of them I had to give up. I promised the person that I would take over her sponsorship again once I was able to.
Over a year ago, I was able to take over her sponsorship. I fulfilled my promise to the person as well as kept my silent promise to Esther.
The last year, Niphaporn's letters have started to ask me to come to Thailand to visit her. I wrote that we should pray and see what happens. Her last letter, as any normal child, sweetly explained that should I be able to be away from work, please come to Thailand and she will be my tour guide. My little beggar!
Niphaporn is very active. She likes swimming and playing group games. She also enjoys school and the development program. She looks forward to being a teacher, so she can help her village. I'm sure if I visit her (I'm not planning on it), I will have a hard time keeping up with her.
Niphaporn lives with her stepfather and her older brother. Her mother died in April, so she is very sad. Because of the child prostitution and slave trade, I pray that her stepfather will keep her in the program and not sell her to a brothel. Niphaporn recently wrote explaining that she received Christ. Praise the Lord!
For my birthday earlier this year, I sent Niphaporn a family gift. A few months ago, I received an extra picture of her with her brother. It was the very best birthday gift I have ever received! I was so excited to receive an extra picture from her. It is now in a frame where everyone who walks by can see it. Her family (her step father by that time) got her some clothes, some toothpaste, some food, some shampoo, and many other things. For just the little bit that I sent! I was amazed how far $100 went in Thailand. It was this letter that told me that her mother died of cancer. I was grieved, but I was happy.
I am excited to continue to watch her grow up into a beautiful woman of God.
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