Saturday, October 6, 2012


I admit, at one time, this would have tempted me to go out and buy  the hugest ice cream cone ever.  I loved ice cream.  Raspberry, chocolate, peanut butter, mint chocolate chip, etc.  I was addicted to this cold and
creamy dessert.

I have to be honest.  I am addicted to food.  No, I WAS addicted to food.  Junk food in particular.  Since I have made my weight struggles a prayer priority, I have found that certain, unhealthy foods have no appeal anymore.  Take ice cream for instance.  If I had a craving for it, I bought it and ate it until it was gone. Granted, I didn't eat a half gallon (or 1.75 pint nowadays or maybe it's down to 1.5 pint?) in one sitting, or one day.  I ate it every day.  Sometimes, two or three times a day.

I am now determined to gain control of my food addiction and use my cravings as a prayer prompt.  Since then, I have lost two sizes.  It's definitely not without its ups and downs.  Sometimes, I gain weight.  Other times, I continue to lose.  It is not weight loss that I am after.  It is simply knowing that I am pleasing the Lord with what I am eating.  Whether I lose weight or not is no longer my goal, though it is a blessing to find I am down a size.  I don't check my weight very often.  I simply go by how my pants fit.  If they're tight, then I'm gaining.  If they're loose, I'm losing.  I recently had to donate my favorite belts, for they were way too big.

Oh, I still fight with junk food.  And I still find myself munching away on tortilla chips or pretzels.  Yet, the cravings for these foods have almost disappeared, as long as I stay away from them.  In its place I am finding I am craving healthier options.  Instead of ice cream, I am craving yogurt with granola or fruit.  Instead of cookies, I am craving nuts.  Instead of tortilla chips, I am craving wheat crackers with cheese.  Instead of fries, I am craving apples or another fruit.

Just today, I woke up with a sore throat.  I went grocery shopping and stopped at a fast food place for a grilled chicken sandwich (I was hungry for chicken and fried just didn't have an appeal).  I was also craving something creamy and cold.  They didn't have yogurt.  I ordered an ice cream.  Even though it felt so good in my throat, it didn't feel so great on my tongue.  I could taste all the sugar, and it tasted disgusting.  Ice cream has lost its appeal.  Give me yogurt, please.

French Vanilla

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