This glass is half full. Or is it half empty? What would you say?
If you say half full, you're an optimist. If you say half empty, you're a pessimist.
Yet, I wonder. . .
What is the story behind this glass of water? I need more information before I say whether it's half full or half empty.
Did someone fill it to half way? For instance, when I get a drink of water, sometimes I don't want a full glass. But yet, I don't want a small drink either. Half full is perfect. So, I fill my glass half way with water. So, if the person behind the glass wanted the glass half full, then I will say this glass is half full.
Did someone drink from it? Just today, I drank a glass of water. And I left it half empty. So, if the person drank from it, then I will say this glass is half empty.
So, now that you know my view, what would you call me? An optimist? A pessimist? Or someone who is somewhere in between?
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