Throughout my years of the Christian life, I have repeatedly heard the phrase, "I am a child of God." However, what does that phrase mean? A child of God?
When I watch children play and interact with each other, I see the joy and the innocence they portray. Young children believe what you tell them, even if it is not true. Does the childlike belief portray the meaning of a child of God? I don't believe so. The Bible tells us to test what we are hearing and seeing. When we come to the Lord, we begin with a simple faith, a childlike faith. As we mature (and children mature as well), our faith matures. We become a teenager and then an adult in the faith.
I think of 'child of God' as being just that. New parents will call their baby their son or daughter. Biological and adoptive parents. That child will always be their child. When we first believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, God is literally in the hospital room or in the airport (put another place in here), anxiously waiting to see His newest child. Like all parents, God rejoices over each of His children and celebrates over each rebirth. Once we become a child of God, we will always be a child of God.
As any parent, God takes over the responsibility that comes with parenthood. The frustrations and the joys of watching children grow. Discipline and patience is needed, and God is no exception. He teaches His child about Him, about His expectations, and about His grace and love. Each of us is under His protection, just like a parent protects their child. Each of us falls under His name. God takes great pride and joy in each of us.
As a child of God, we can expect acceptance, love, and discipline. In order to teach us, God has to discipline us. God takes His role of Father seriously and joyfully. He will not allow us to wander too far without warning and firm discipline. When we do wander too far and turn away from Him, God anxiously waits for our return. When we do return, He embraces us and forgives us. We are never too out of reach.
When you sponsor a child through Compassion, you become their second parent, the one they turn to for guidance and love. We have the blessing of molding a young life, of discipling a child, of showing him/her the greatness of the Lord's love for them. Will you open your heart and become a parent to a precious child of God? If you do, please comment below and let me know.
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