Sunday, October 21, 2012


I am advocating for sponsors to write more to their children.  Why are letters so important?  Our letters are a lifeline to these kids.  Poverty tells them they are worthless, they will never amount to anything, to give up.  When a child gives up, it is heartbreaking.  I have seen the faces of precious, beautiful children who have given up their dreams.

For example, in India, a girl as young as five can be married off to a man old enough to be her father or grandfather!  Girls are viewed as much lower than men.  It's even worse with the caste system.  Dalits are among the poorest.  The higher castes look down upon these people.  The teachers beat the children of Dalits.  The Dalits have no chance to get out of poverty.  And the children grow up believing they are nothing, that there is no way out.

In Thailand, children can be bought for sex.  Parents, who are poor with no way to provide for their family, often sell their daughters to a brothel.  Also as young as five.  These girls grow up (if they survive to their 18th birthday) believing they are only good for sex.  The hope slowly dies.

In many countries in Africa, drought and famine bring many families to their breaking point.  They cannot afford to send their children to school.  Instead, the children are sent to work.  Their hope is gone.  Even though the children work (many in mines and dangerous situations), their meager salary gets them nowhere.

Compassion brings the love of Jesus to these children.  They provide the families with a way out.  They do change the lives of the families, starting with the children.  But, Compassion can not do everything.

Over and over the children hear they are worthless and nothing will change.  Even though they go to the Compassion project where they are loved and accepted, the positive words do not always penetrate.  They may not even hear the words I love you.  Or for someone to praise them and encourage them.  This is where the letters come in.  Imagine how much encouragement and praise means to you.  A kind word, an email of thanks, etc.  Your heart swells, and your day seems more hopeful.  Imagine reading the words,

"You are so special to me."
"I love you so very much, just because God created you."
"Keep going.  I know you can do it."
"School is very hard, and I am so proud of you for doing your best."

For someone who has never heard these words, imagine the hope and the joy residing in that person.  This is what you do every time you write a letter to your child or children.  You provide a visible lifeline to him or her.  I sometimes read my children's letters over again.  I am sure my children read my letters over and over and over, until they have memorized every one.  Children treasure letters.  They deserve to know who they are in Christ.  And you are the one to tell them.  Don't leave it to Compassion.  You, as a sponsor, have become a part of the child's life.  He/she needs to hear how you really feel about them.  Children love to hear why they are special.  You are the only one who can tell them that.

Please, become their lifeline, and write a precious, loving letter to them.

If you need any letter writing ideas, please let me know.  I will be more than glad to help.  Some ages are harder to write to, while others seem so easy.

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